Wishes 2021–2022
I wish all my Crypto Friends in 2022:
- The simplicity of those who chose Bitcoin;
- The maturity of those who use Ethereum;
- The boldness of those who does long in Shiba;
- The patience of those who have Ada;
- The courage of those who hold shitcoin;
- The hope of those who desire to buy Bitcoin at 9800;
- The enthusiasm of those who believe in Doge;
- The joy of those who generate income with Cake;
- The caution of those who have a balance in stablecoin;
- The intelligence of those who diversify investments;
- The divine protection of those who use hard wallet;
- The flexibility of those who use multiple blockchains;
- The honesty of those who show “skin in the game”;
- The empathy of those who help others in the TG groups;
- The money of those who buy low and sell high;
- The discipline of those who buy every week;
- The dedication of those who read projects Whitepaper;
- The organization of those who control everything in Excel;
- The positivism of those who think will not have a bear market;
- And the happiness of those who remain firm in the crypto market!
Happy Holidays!
Curso DeFi na rede Ethereum
Curso DeFi na Rede BSC
Curso DeFi na Rede Polygon Matic
Instrutor DeFi